System Data
System Name: | Al Rijil |
Number of Class M: | 3 |
Planetary Data | |
Position in system: | 7 |
Number of satellites: | 2 |
Planetary gravity: | .86 g |
Planetary size | |
Diameter: | 18,000 km |
Equatorial circumference: | 22,000 km |
Total surface area: | 425,000,000 sq km |
Percent land mass: | 30% |
Total land area: | 127,500,000 sq km |
Planetary conditions | |
Length of day: | 25 hrs |
Atmospheric density: | Terrestrial |
General climate: | Tropical |
Mineral Content | |
Normal metals: | 60% |
Radioactives: | 10% |
Gemstones: | 10% |
Industrial crystals: | 10% |
Special minerals: | Trace |
Cultural Data | |
Dominant life form: | Alpha Centauri |
Technological/ sociopolitical index: |
999998-98 |
Planetary trade profile: | BBAABCC/B (B) |
Alpha Centauri is e triple system, with seven planets orbiting e pair of yellow stars. The third star is a red dwarf, which appears as little more than a bright light in the Centaurian sky. The fourth, fifth, and seventh planets ere all Class M and support humanoid life of varying social development. Only the people of planet seven have reached a state of technological advancement. Alpha Centauri was the first inhabited world encountered by Terran explorers. In the Terran year 2048 actual physical contact was made with representatives of e Centaurian space fleet. The UNSS Icarus, commended by Captain Roger Tauber, met in space with a Centaurian vessel in orbit around the seventh planet of the system. Both parties were open and friendly, and an immediate cultural exchange took place. An excerpt from the log of Lt. Commander Frank Jocasta, Icarus Science Officer, reads: "I've just spent the two most exciting days of my scientific life talking with the Alpha Centaurian physicist Zefram Cochrane. Of course, since neither speaks the other's tongue, we've relied almost exclusively on the language of mathematics. . . Using a math I can still only barely comprehend, he's shown that space can be visualized as moving along the curved wave of time . . if this is so, man will be able to transcend the speed of light." Alpha Centauri VII
is a classic Class M world, nearly identical in mass end climate to Terra.
Its population is quite humanoid, end evidence has been found that suggests
that the Centaurians may be the descendants of Alpha Centauri now
supports e population of 21 billion, second only to the Sol system. The
Delthare University Complex, located on the northern continent, is one
of the primary learning facilities of the UCIP. Alpha
Centauri also has permanent representation on the Confederation Council.