System Data
System Name: | Dnoces |
Number of Class M: | 1 |
Planetary Data | |
Position in system: | 2 |
Number of satellites: | 7 |
Planetary gravity: | 1.1g |
Planetary size | |
Diameter: | 21,000 km |
Equatorial circumference: | 53,000 km |
Total surface area: | 520,000,000 sq km |
Percent land mass: | 60% |
Total land area: | 312,000,000 sq km |
Planetary conditions | |
Length of day: | 27 hrs |
Atmospheric density: | thick |
General climate: | Warm Terrestrial |
Mineral Content | |
Normal metals: | 40% |
Radioactives: | 30% |
Gemstones: | Trace |
Industrial crystals: | Trace |
Special minerals: | Trace |
Cultural Data | |
Dominant life form: | Human |
Technological/ sociopolitical index: |
8887886-97 |
Planetary trade profile: | BBAABCC/B (B) |
Alpha Proxima
was one of the first Human out-system colonies. Major local industries include
radioactives mining and widespread agriculture. Alpha Proxima also claims
one of the largest seafarming concerns in the Confederation. Over 180,000
square kilometers are used for off-shore foodstuffs production. See also here. |