System Data

System Name: Dorafane
Number of Class M: 1
Planetary Data
Position in system: 4
Number of satellites: 5
Planetary gravity: 0.9g
Planetary size
Diameter: 8,750 km
Equatorial circumference: 14,500 km
Total surface area: 280,200,000 sq km
Percent land mass: 30%
Total land area: 84,060,000 sq km
Planetary conditions
Length of day: 18 hrs
Atmospheric density: Terrestrial
General climate: Warm terrestrial
Mineral Content
Normal metals: 40%
Radioactives: Trace
Gemstones: 20%
Industrial crystals: Trace
Special minerals: Trace
Cultural Data
Dominant life form: Antosian
sociopolitical index:
Planetary trade profile: None

Antos is a yellow giant star system with five planets. Only the third end fourth are capable of supporting life. Antos III is Class K end supports a tenuous atmosphere and some surface weather. Native life is limited to only the most primitive of invertebrates and simple plants.

Antos IV is the home of a race of benevolent, ancient humanoids considerably older than mankind. A humanoid race discovered shortly before the Romulan War, the Antosians are a peaceful race with no interest in affairs outside their own world. Having declined formal membership in the Confederation, they nevertheless retain peaceful relations with their interstellar neighbors.

Although it is Class M, Antos IV's climate is lethally frigid at both the upper and lower latitudes leaving only an equatorial band that supports life. The native inhabitants have established en extremely advanced culture in this region and have built city structures that seem to defy known Federation limits in design and construction. From space, the civilized central region shines like a belt of light around the planet, owing to the strangely luminescent properties of Antosian metals.

Federation contact with the Antosians has been extremely limited, at the request of the Antosian people, and little is known about their culture, technology, or architecture, Antos IV while a Federation member, has limited their participation in Federation matters to contact by subspace radio. The reason for such aloofness was long s mystery until Captain Garth of Starfleet, maimed and dying, was forced to make an emergency lending there. In order to save his life, the Antosians shared with him a secret they had kept for untold thousands of years Garth was given the Antosian's medical abilities, including the power to change his shape at will. They had perfected the technique of cellular metamorphosis and were able to rearrange their cellular structures to imitate any object or being of similar size end mass. This talent was considered by the advanced Antosians too dangerous to be allowed into the hands of other races. Indeed, the process quickly rendered Garth of Izar mad, and he remained so for several years. Only the introduction of a new drug returned him to sanity, with the resultant loss of his shape-changing ability.

Antos V is a gas giant with seventeen moons. The third moon, Sowtha, is Class L and harbours a Federation refuelling depot.