System Data
System Name: | Delta Majoris |
Number of Class M: | 1 |
Planetary Data | |
Position in system: | 3 |
Number of satellites: | 12 |
Planetary gravity: | 0.98g |
Planetary size | |
Diameter: | 10,200 km |
Equatorial circumference: | 15,700 km |
Total surface area: | 308,000,000 sq km |
Percent land mass: | 70% |
Total land area: | 215,600,000 sq km |
Planetary conditions | |
Length of day: | 23 hrs |
Atmospheric density: | Terrestrial |
General climate: | Terrestrial |
Mineral Content | |
Normal metals: | 70% |
Radioactives: | 20% |
Gemstones: | Trace |
Industrial crystals: | Trace |
Special minerals: | Trace |
Cultural Data | |
Dominant life form: | 65% Alpha Centauri/35% Human |
Technological/ sociopolitical index: |
876666-88 |
Planetary trade profile: | BCCCDDD/C (D) |
Founded after the Romulan War by a joint Human-Alpha Centauri colonial mission, Benecia remains a vast welderness planet, only one quarter of which has ever been explored. Local industries include forrestry and processing native raw minerals. The local inhabitants have resisted the importation of excessive technology, with an eye toward disturbing the local envorinment as little as possible. Benecia was also the home of the Back-to-Earth movement, which had a widespread following until it collapsed after the second Babel Conference. Current Benecian population is less than 25,000. |