System Data

System Name: Ferasa
Number of Class M: 1
Planetary Data
Position in system: 2
Number of satellites: 2
Planetary gravity: 1.25g
Planetary size
Diameter: 10,100 km
Equatorial circumference: 17,200 km
Total surface area: 311,000,000 sq km
Percent land mass: 50%
Total land area: 155,000,000 sq km
Planetary conditions
Length of day: 27 hrs
Atmospheric density: Thick
General climate: Warm Tropical
Mineral Content
Normal metals: 40%
Radioactives: 20%
Gemstones: 20 %
Industrial crystals: Trace
Special minerals: Trace
Cultural Data
Dominant life form: Caitians
sociopolitical index:
Planetary trade profile: BEFCDEG/B (C)

Cait is a lush, tropical world, whose race of intelligent felinoids is among the newest races to join the Confederation. Resembling Terran felines, Caitians are thick furred beings, light gold to dark brown in color. When first contacted, the Caitian civilization was considerably advanced, with an emphasis in the physical and biomedical sciences, even though Caitians had never ventured beyond their own planet. Despite their predatory appearance, Caitians are extremely peaceful and have strong individual and group loyalties. Cait maintains a large starship construction facility capable of producing a wide range of military and commercial craft each year. The planet is currently represented in the Confederation Council.

This race walks erect as bipeds, but are descended from creatures similar in some respects to Terran felines. They possess sleek bodies covered with soft fur, which also covers their faces, and hangs about their head like a mane. They have large golden eyes, long tails, and voices with a purring quality. Caitians are extremely dexterous and fast. They are also considered attractive by most humanoid species, and humans seem especially interested in relationships with adult Caitians.

The planet Cait is a normal class-M world within the Lynx constellation. Caitians practice total equality of the sexes, and have throughout their recorded history. Even Caitian names have no gender indicated, so a male child is just as likely to be named after his mother as his father.

Caitians are exceptionally good at communications. They are very cooperative, intelligent, and easy to get along with, as such, they are eagerly sought after as Starfleet crew.