
Chiss Logo The Chiss are a race whose space is located in the lower right corner of the Beta quadrant, it lies just beyond the area of space discovered by the Federation and the Klingons, apart from very basic long range scans by the Empire no formal contact with the Chiss has occurred.

Unlike most species who occupy an area space the Chiss did not evolve here. They are in-fact an offshoot and genetic descendants of the Tykarian Empire.

Roughly 500 years ago His Highness Prince Chiss and his house, a respected member of the Tykarian Empire suffered a terrible blow. Whilst on an alien planet members of the house picked up some kind of genetic plague. They returned to their house unaware that they were carrying a terrible disease. The crew of the survey mission un-wittingly spread the disease to all the members of the house over a period of a few days. It would have gone un-noticed for some time however the crew of the survey mission had to report to one of the lower Lords who then became infected. The disease specifically attacked the area of the brain that controlled telepathy, for the mundanes of the house this was not an issue. However for the psi-elite of the house it was devastating. Before anyone realised what had happened the whole house had been infected. Over a week the Psi abilities of House Chiss were destroyed. The Tykarians quaranteened the whole of House Chiss and blockaded their space to prevent the disease from spreading to the other houses. Then all the Tykarian Lords were called together to discuss what to do with House Chiss. Eventually it was decided that House Chiss be exiled and their worlds sterilised to prevent this disease from spreading to any other houses.

So House Chiss was loaded aboard their vessels and they jumped to transwarp and left. They wandered around the galaxy for a few hundred years unsure of where to go as the Prince and his immediate family all committed suicide in disgrace at losing their powers. Eventually the remaining Lords took control and spread themselves around the fleet to make a show of their being in command. Overall command went to Lord Chiss, the Princes Younger Cousin, He took the title of First Lord which even today is used to signify the leader of the ruling body. They eventually made it to the bottom of the Beta Quadrant where they found some worlds and began to use Tykarian terraforming techniques to make them habitable. Also during their wandering all the scientists that they had brought with them discovered that the disease was still active and was slowly destroying the minds of each and every person, ignoring rank and position. With a renewed vigour the house turned all efforts to finding a cure and to finding a way to expand and take care of themselves. They eventually found it using genetics and cloning. Thus began their advanced knowledge of genetic manipulation. The scientists found a way to boost all their immune systems. However it would take so much boosting to destroy the disease that they also had to modify the DNA of each member of the house. It was decided by everyone that being altered was better than being dead so they all underwent DNA re-sequencing. There were several problems to begin with but eventually everyone had been changed. After a few days the disease had gone completely but some people were showing major problems with their genetic structure. It was breaking down. This happened to everyone however instead of dying each person regenerated into a liquid based life-form capable of shape-shifting at will. One side effect of this however was that when each person returned to their natural forms they had blue skin, dark hair and red eyes that glowed, more so when he or she became angry or upset.

Admiral The Prince Chiss
First Lord of the Chiss

The House Chiss now had hope of a future and with this hope, and their new genetic nature they became a new race, a Chiss race.

They created all new technologies based on their old Tykarian knowledge and created fleets of new ships. Ships that they used to expand their new space and to colonise and terraform all nearby planets and asteroids. Their experiences together, being cast out of society made them all band together in a way that was unheard of by Tykarians, their treatment by their old friends and colleagues proved to them that the Tykarian way was the wrong way. They all wanted a new way, one that was kind and friendly and promoted equality and fairness unlike the Tykarians. However they still had the Tykarian temper and have since proven on several occasions that they don't like to be cheated or offended. The Ferengi learned this lesson the hard way when the Chiss declared a blood feud and banned them from contact with the Chiss and entry into Chiss space on pain of death.

To this date the Chiss have had no contact with the Tykarians, nor do they intend to. To the Chiss, and the rest of the galaxy, the Tykarians are rude, arrogant and bigoted and do not deserve to have contact with the Chiss.

The Chiss are technologically superior, thanks to having the knowledge of the Tykarians, however they are not openly aggressive. The Chiss have a very strong code of honour and ethics and do not attack others without provocation. They prefer to retain a neutrality between races, like the Vulcans do, they also share a mild arrogance similar to the Vulcans and of course the Tykarians but they attempt to remain amicable. They do not have the calm and emotional control of the Vulcans, so do not insult them. Most species find the Chiss helpful and enjoy very profitable trading with them.

The Chiss use their advanced knowledge of cloning and genetic manipulation within their society, a person's status is judged by his DNA sequence. Each person has his or her DNA altered to do their specific job to the best they can possibly do. Chiss society is structured so that there is a ruling body who form the leaders of the entire race and are genetic descendants of the 7 original ruling Lords, it is customary for the current lords to use either their position as title, for example the First Lord or they use their military rank. Recently the Lords declared themselves Princes in honour of Prince Chiss' death. The current ruler goes by the title; Admiral Prince Chiss, First Lord of the Chiss. The reason for using DNA for judging a person is because the entire race can alter their form at a whim, they are all shape-shifters. Insulting the ruling body is probably the only thing that could make the Chiss instantly attempt to attack another race first. When the Chiss do attack swiftly nothing will survive, with their advanced technology and super strength ships they are a formidable fighting force.

Reproduction between Chiss occurs in much differently than normal humanoids, the ability to shapeshift allows lovers to merge together and share their minds with each other, much in the same way as when telepaths make love. Chiss can also merge with other humanoids and reproduce in a similar way, it is said to be one the most pleasurable experiences possible. During the merging the male and female combine aspects of their DNA together which will eventually form into a baby. This Chiss are born the same way as humans. Normally however the childs DNA is checked and altered prior to birth to make the child better suited to the role that they shall play within society, this is normally determined by the roles of the parents. Chiss babies do not require much time within the mother, they mature rapidly and are normally born within a fortnight. The then grow from newborns to adults in days. Their minds and bodies mature to the equivilant of an 18 year old human in only 5 days upon which their enhanced DNA becomes active. For the next day their body's DNA will re-write causing their molecular structure to break down. After 24 hours their genetic structure will be based around a liquid morphogenic matrix thus allowing them to alter their form at will. Due to their genetic manipulations, an average Chiss life span is several hundred standard years, similar to that of the Vulcans.

The Chiss do not occupy much space, however thanks to their advanced technology they can quickly terraform planets and lifeless asteroids to support their society. Thus they have many worlds in an area where worlds should be spaced far apart. They have a large market for trading goods with nearby species which has gained them a positive reputation. Also after a few dealings that turned sour in which the culprits were swiftly dealt with people have learned that they don't take advantage of the Chiss, you scratch their back and they'll scratch yours.


Propulsion Systems:

Advanced Transwarp System: This is an advanced transwarp drive which greatly enhances speed and travel time as well as fuel consumption rates.
The advanced transwarp drive also incorporates an artificial wormhole generator capable of creating a one way wormhole to any point within 25,000 light years. The wormhole generators require 30 minutes to power up before use. Most Captains keep their generators constantly charging so that they can be used at any moment. Once a ship opens a wormhole any other vessels can enter the wormhole to travel to it's destination. However once the generating ship enters the wormhole entrance collapses preventing others from following. This also makes all trips one way.
The generator system also provides a great defense by opening a wormhole infront of a nearby ship thus making it fall through and come out the other side up to 25,000 LY from where it started. This is a safety feature present around most planets within the Empire.

Weapons Systems:

Temporal Disruptors: These are powerful rapid-fire pulsed disruptors which like strip phasers they can fire in any direction. The pulses exist out of phase until seconds before impacting with their target thus passing through the targets shields.
Thoron Shock Emitters: A unusual weapon, it requires the opponent to fire first. The impact registers on a phased-array imbedded in the hull rather than the shields themselves, to cut down on potential backfiring when phasers are fired through them from the defending vessel. The signal gets transmitted to a particle collection grid, which releases thoron particles in coherent bursts back along the energy beam, penetrating the shield bubble and impacting the opponents hull. All this happens in .2 microseconds. The effects of this vary with the ship type and weapon. Beam weapons, such as phasers, teryon beams and Romulan disruptors are most susceptible, while the effect has a much harder time with Klingon pulse disruptors; the effect will not work with thoron beam weapons, it`ll simply cancel the beam out. The general effect is to cause massive hull damage, power loss, computer damage and potential radiation hazards for the crew after repeated use(thoron particles are radon-222 ions, a radioactive element). Countermeasures include using pulse weaponry, setting shields to a rotating matter-repulsion effect to counteract it and setting them to nebular conditions (which block high-energy radiation and ions). Both of these require 1.5 times as much energy as normal shields, so they cant be held up as long. The best countermeasure is really to bear with it; after so many tries with the emitter, depending on ship size, the stored thoron thoron particle level will drop below usable amounts and the vessel will have to wait as the Thoron particles are recharged.
Plasma Wave Emitters: This weapon takes a great deal of power and so is only mounted on the largest vessels. It takes a large power build up but once it's ready an extremely powerful energy wave is pulsed away from the ship. It includes plasma and electromagnetic radiation which fires in every direction simultaneously. The wave travels for several million kilometers before fading away, however if any vessels cross its path the wave will cause severe damage to their hull if they are unshielded or will drain most of a vessels shields if they are functioning. It has no effect on other Chiss vessels as long as their shields are up.

Defensive Systems

Mk II ECM/ECCM Systems: These systems intercept missiles and torpedoes and attempt to jam them before they can impact with the ship. The MK II generally prevents 20% of incoming missiles and torpedos from impacting with the ship.
Mk III ECM/ECCM Systems: These systems intercept missiles and torpedoes and attempt to jam them before they can impact with the ship. The MK III generally prevents 30% of incoming missiles and topedos from impacting with the ship.
MK V ECM/ECCM Systems: These systems intercept missiles and torpedoes and attempt to jam them before they can impact with the ship. The MK V generally prevents 50% of incoming missiles and topedos from impacting with the ship.
MK VI ECM/ECCM Systems: These systems intercept missiles and torpedoes and attempt to jam them before they can impact with the ship. The MK VI generally prevents 60% of incoming missiles and topedos from impacting with the ship.


With the Chiss use of Chroniton torpedoes all Chiss vessels are equipped with temporal & multi-phasic shielding. This prevents any friendly fire incidents and provides superior shielding over other races.

Temporal Technology:

Along with thier temporal shielding, temporal disruptors and their chroniton torpedos the Chiss also have other Temporal based technology that they discovered when combined with their other technology. Applying temporal physics to most technology will allow a newer version of that technology to be created. One such advancement is transporters and sensors. Temporal Transporters allow Chiss soldiers to be beamed directly to other vessels/bases irrelevant of their shield status. Temporal sensors allow for the scanning of time, much like normal sensors scan space.
Perhaps the deadliest technology the Chiss posess is time travel. Large generators aboard the Flagships can be tied into the artificial wormhole drive and create wormholes into other time periods. The Chiss are against altering time and try to prevent using the time drive at all costs, the drive it self can only be carried aboard the flagships and it takes at least 2 senior officers to activate it.
A spinoff from the time drive was the creation of a temporal field generator. This weapon comes in many sizes and on the larger Chiss vessels is ship mounted. When projected around something the field temporarily removes them from time and can then alter their perception of time. This allows for things to be aged in minutes from the Chiss point of view, but within the field you would feel the passage of time exactly. The Chiss have been known to use this field during interrogation of prisoners by leaving them alone for a hundred years or so, and in battles by aging enemy ships by thousands of years so that they fall apart.

Stealth Systems:

Standard Cloak: The normal Chiss cloaking device is impervious to tachyon detection grids.
Prototype Interphase Cloak: This cloak has the ability to not only cloak the vessel it's installed on but it phases the vessel out of the existence, the benefits of this is that the ship can actually pass through celestial objects such as planets and stars unharmed. You just have to make sure you don't revert back to normal space whilst inside a planet.