System Data:
System Name: | Danthros |
Number of Class M: | 1 |
Planetary Data | |
Position in system: | 4 |
Number of satellites: | 1 |
Planetary gravity: | 1.29g |
Planetary size | |
Diameter: | 15,600 km |
Equatorial circumference: | 48,000 km |
Total surface area: | 522,000,000 sq km |
Percent land mass: | 95% |
Total land area: | 496,500,000 sq km |
Planetary conditions | |
Length of day: | 25 hrs |
Atmospheric density: | Thin |
General climate: | Warm Temperate |
Mineral Content | |
Normal metals: | 32% |
Radioactives: | 30% |
Gemstones: | 4% |
Industrial crystals: | 9% |
Special minerals: | Trace |
Cultural Data | |
Dominant life form: | Coridan |
Technological sociopolitical index: | 967594-67 |
Planetary trade profile | FCAGDEF/B (E) |
This small planet and its native humanoid population has been the subject of considerable controversy over the last three decades. Rich in natural minerals and large amounts of dilithium, Coridan was often the victim of privateering raids by commercial and even government sponsored sectors. The Coridan Problem intensified when the local inhabitants applied for admission into the Confederation, thus sparking a conference on Babel. However, their admission was narrowly denied in favor of a quarantined status. |