System Data

System Name: Trimordidion
Number of Class M: 1
Planetary Data
Position in system: 10
Number of satellites: 0
Planetary gravity:


Planetary size
Diameter: 18,100 km
Equatorial circumference: 50,000 km
Total surface area: 700,000,000 sq km
Percent land mass: 90%
Total land area: 630,000,000 sq km
Planetary conditions
Length of day: 19 hrs
Atmospheric density: Thin
General climate: Cool Temperate
Mineral Content
Normal metals: 10%
Radioactives: 10%
Gemstones: Trace
Industrial crystals: Trace
Special minerals: 40%
Cultural Data
Dominant life form: Human
Technological/ sociopolitical index: 667768-76
Planetary trade profile: CCCDCB/C (C)

Delta Vega originally housed only an automated dilithium cracking station. Later reports of extensive dilithium deposits far beyond original estimates spurred numerous industrial concerns to establish permanent mining facilities on this otherwise barren and uninteresting world. In the last decade Delta Vega has acquired over seven million Human inhabitants who have helped turn the planet into an important trade center.