System Data
System Name: | Eminar |
Number of Class M: | 2 |
Planetary Data | |
Position in system: | 7 |
Number of satellites: | 1 |
Planetary gravity: | 1.22g |
Planetary size | |
Diameter: | 13,000 km |
Equatorial circumference: | 40,000 km |
Total surface area: | 500,500,000 sq km |
Percent land mass: | 40% |
Total land area: | 200,000,000 sq km |
Planetary conditions | |
Length of day: | 25 hrs |
Atmospheric density: | Terrestrial |
General climate: | Cool Temperate |
Mineral Content | |
Normal metals: | 10% |
Radioactives: | 10% |
Gemstones: | 20% |
Industrial crystals: | Trace |
Special minerals: | Trace |
Cultural Data | |
Dominant life form: | Eminarian |
Technological/ sociopolitical index: | 888987-86 |
Planetary trade profile: | BBABCDD/B (B) |
First contacted by Terran explorers in the first decade of Confederation interstellar exploration, Eminian culture remained a mystery until contact with the USS Enterprise 76 years ago. Then it was determined that the Eminians had considerable technological sophistication, having developed interplanetary flight some 400 years before the Confederation contacted them. Regrettably, the Eminarians did not make as much progress in the social sciences as they did in the physical sciences. When Eminiar's colony world, Vendikar, declared itself independent, war erupted between the two. To preserve their way of life, both planets developed a computerized attack and defense system, enabling the two planets to continue their warfare without risking destruction of either civilization. As a result of the Enterprise's visit, this arrangement was rendered obsolete, adn a peaceful solution was negotiated. Today, Eminiar VII is a full-status member of the Confederation in good standing. |