The X!chi

It's known that the basic X!chi are an insectoid race approximately 3 meters tall and resembling nothing so much as an enormous brown-green grasshopper.  Individuals are approximately 300 pounds, possess an exoskeleton, mandibles, and six limbs.  Their range of acceptable planets is much larger than that for humans.  They are terrifyingly fast runners and long jumpers, and clearly predatory.  Individuals are also not particularly intelligent -- a single X!chi has roughly the intelligence of a dog or a rat, knowing to attack or not to attack and a few simple tasks, and that's all.
    However, the X!chi are a colonial intelligence -- bring enough of them together in a confined area (planet-size, say) and their intelligence rises geometrically with the number of individuals.  50 X!chi together have roughly the intelligence of a man.  10,000 X!chi together have the collective intelligence of a city.  The trend rises from there.  Fortunately, the X!chi don't appear to combine their intelligence across interstellar distances -- the intelligence of a colony would be limited to the number of individuals that could be gathered on a single planet.  There is no single
leader, so killing a single X!chi has a negligable effect on the intelligence of the colony.
    X!chi also do not possess warp drive.  They colonize planets by launching a specialized X!chi -- a sort of combination of a queen and a sperm bank -- into space at a target star.  This specialized X!chi might take decades to reach the target star and has very limited manueverability, but does have the ability to target a habitable planet and conduct a reentry.  At that point, this X!chi establishes the initial colony, which might take months or years to produce its first basic X!chi.  Soon enough, however, enough of the basic X!chi have been produced that the colony gains intelligence and sweeps across the face of the planet, and then all of acceptable planets in the system.  This new colony then launches its own specialized X!chi.
    USS Coronado's crew has learned little else, except that X!chi will develop and use technology -- they encountered an X!chi colony attempting to study a system destroyed by the Traxati with fairly advanced sensors and other equipment.  It is also not known if there are other X!chi other than the basic one and the specialized one.  Coro's crew DID learn that they have a very advanced biology, but not if they alter their own species genentically.
    The X!chi know that the Traxati exist and will attempt to control Traxati gateways if they find them.  They don't know anything else about the Traxati except the fact that the Traxati are hunting them.  The X!chi colony above, in fact, mistook a USS Coronado away team for Traxati and attempted to capture them.